Flipped Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My mom didn't understand why it was so awful that "that cute little girl" had held my hand. She thought I should make friends with her. "I thought you liked soccer, honey. Why don't you go out there and kick the ball around?"

Because I didn't want to be kicked around, that's why. And although I couldn't say it like that at the time, I still had enough sense at age seven and a half to know that Juli Baker was dangerous. (1.40-41)

Bryce sure does have an opinion or two about Juli Baker right from the start—he even calls her "dangerous." Now that's a pretty strong word, right? What do you think of the idea that Juli is dangerous? Is Bryce on point, or is he exaggerating? As the novel goes along, check out how Bryce's feelings toward Juli change… and how they don't.

Quote #2

It's been over six years now, and I learned long ago to hide my feelings, but oh, those first days. Those first years! I thought I would die for wanting to be with him. (2.2)

From the start, Juli is smitten with the B-man. Bryce just has her feeling gushy all over. But now that Juli is in eighth grade when she's telling us her story, she figures a lot has changed for her over the past six years. Do you agree with Juli? Keep an eye out for ways she changes throughout the novel—and we're willing to bet you'll also find some ways she doesn't change, too.

Quote #3

She tried to get me to come up there with her, too. "Bryce, come on! You won't believe the colors! It's absolutely magnificent! Bryce, you've got to come up here!"

Yeah, I could just hear it: "Bryce and Juli sitting in a tree…" Was I ever going to leave the second grade behind? (3.21-22)

Bryce has been teased about Juli Baker ever since second grade, so he's pretty worried when seventh-grade Juli invites him to sit in a tree with her—he can just hear the taunts coming. But maybe Bryce isn't all that great at seeing into the future. In fact, we're on the lookout for how Bryce's feelings change not just toward Juli, but toward the sycamore tree too.