Flowers for Algernon Progress Report 11 Summary

  • Charlie finally notices that Alice Kinnian is pretty cute. He asks her on a movie date and makes that awkward put-your-arm-around-her move. Smooth.
  • Since he's already batting 1000, Charlie goes all in and confesses his feelings to Alice. She's definitely got a thing for him, but doesn't feel right pushing things any further. Yet.
  • Another weird dream: little Charlie sees his sister Norma taking a bath, and realizes for the first time that she's different than him. He also finds her period-stained underwear in the laundry hamper.
  • Back to the present. Charlie sees Gimpy stealing from the bakery, but doesn't know what to do. Should he rat him out?
  • So he asks those paragons of virtue, Nemur and Strauss. They seem torn on the topic, but Nemur basically calls Charlie an inanimate object. Way harsh.
  • After some tough talk from his beloved Alice, Charlie decides to pull the plug on the whole Gimpy operation. He corners Gimpy and tells him to cut it out, or else he'll tell Mr. Donner.
  • Time for some more romance. Charlie takes Alice to an outdoor concert, but catches a teenaged boy watching them with his pants down.
  • Charlie chases the little pervert, but figures out that it's probably a figment of his imagination. Does it mean he's not ready to date Alice?
  • Just when Charlie thinks he's got things under control at the bakery, Mr. Donner fires him. It looks like his fellow employees can't cope with Charlie suddenly being smarter than them.
  • So everyone has turned on Charlie except for his co-worker Fanny, who thinks he should just go back to the way he was. She lays the Bible smackdown on Charlie and tells him about the sins of Adam and Eve. Back away slowly, Charlie…
  • Alice tries to cheer Charlie up, and they end up smooching. Then he dreams of his mom beating him up for getting an erection, and falls asleep crying. Not the best way to end your first kiss.