Flowers for Algernon Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #1

I was skared when they came in and tolld me it was time to go for the operashun. (7.13)

We'd be scared too, Charlie. Charlie seems more afraid of the pain than the long-lasting effects of the surgery, which gives us a sense of how his mind works pre-surgery.

Quote #2

I was scared he was going to be angry and holler at me so after I was finished I said can I go back to my own job now. (9.35)

Charlie's not a fan of people hollering at him, though he'd probably wouldn't mind if someone wanted to holla at him. He's had people yelling his ears off since he was a kid, starting with his dear old mum.

Quote #3

There in the clothes hamper he finds Norma's underwear with dried blood. What had she done wrong? Whoever had done it might come looking for him. (11.85)

Okay, so this part is pretty important: after this moment, Charlie has a lifetime of being scared of all things related to sex, a fear we see come up repeatedly.