Flowers for Algernon Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #1

She comes toward him, screaming that he is a bad boy, and Charlie runs to his father for help. (10.75)

Everything's coming up Roses… by which we mean that here we get a primer on the Gordon family dynamics when little Charlie tries to get his dad to protect him from his scary mom, Rose.

Quote #2

Why does a memory like that from childhood remain with me so strongly, and why does it frighten me now? Is it because of my feelings for Alice? (11.85)

Why does getting lovey-dovey with Alice bring up some capital-E emotions for Charlie? Does he see her as wife material?

Quote #3

And I treated you like my own son who gave up his life for his country. (11.203)

Sure Mr. Donner gave Charlie a job, but it's a bit rich to suggest he's Charlie's replacement daddy. Then again, Charlie's dad didn't do a whole lot of parenting himself, so maybe a guy who lets Charlie get mocked by the bakery employees is an accurate—if totally unfortunate—substitute.