Flowers for Algernon Death and Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #1

I dint see my mother or father or my little sister Norma for a long long long time. Maybe their ded to. (3.4)

Death just isn't an emotional subject for Charlie before the operation and, in this case, death is basically the same thing as a long absence.

Quote #2

Be patient. Don't forget you're accomplishing in weeks what takes others a lifetime. (11.78)

Think about cramming a lifetime of learning into a couple of weeks. Whoa, right? Charlie's got bigger and better plans, though—he doesn't see himself as a mere mortal.

Quote #3

Charlie, if you done anything you wasn't supposed to—you know, like with the devil or something—maybe it ain't too late to get out of it. (11.107)

Not to boost his ego any more, but Charlie isn't the only one to see himself as godlike. Why does Fanny assume Charlie struck a deal with the devil?