Forgotten Fire Theme of The Home

They say home is where the heart is, but in Forgotten Fire, Vahan finds himself wanting a safe place to lay his head at night too. At first his home is full of comfort and happy memories with his family, but pretty soon, Vahan's house is filled with memories of his brothers being shot, his father taken away from him, and everything he's lost. Even when Vahan returns to his house with Selim Bey, it's just not the same. In other words, home is made up of more than bricks and windows in this novel.

Questions About The Home

  1. What is it about home that Vahan misses so much? What does he want in a home?
  2. Does Vahan ever find a home? Would he call the Tashians' place home? Once he reaches Constantinople, is he at home?
  3. What is Vahan's contribution to the home when he is a kid? Once he reaches Kars, he's got a different idea of servants and how the home runs. Why? What changed his mind?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In Forgotten Fire, home and safety are pretty much one and the same for Vahan.

Even though Vahan eventually makes it to a safe place with the Tashians and in Constantinople, he still is not home. Despite his respect for the Tashians, they are not his family, so they cannot form a home for him.