Forgotten Fire Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How does Vahan change in the novel? What was his family like before the book started?
  2. Why is Vahan's relationship with his dad so important? What does he respect about his dad?
  3. What do you think Vahan means when he says, "I knew that I was free, and that I would never be free"? How can both be true? Do you think he is free at the end of the novel?
  4. What do you think the title, Forgotten Fire, means? Why is memory so important to Vahan?
  5. Do you think the violence that Vahan sees affects him? Why or why not? Were you affected by reading about the violence in the book?
  6. Vahan's dad tells him to "be steel." What do you think that means? Does Vahan succeed in doing this?
  7. What is the most courageous thing Vahan does in the book? Who gives Vahan strength to continue?
  8. What's the deal with the quote from Hitler? Why do you think the author included this quote? Does it change your perception of the novel?