Family Quotes in Four

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It's been years since I heard [my mother's name] because my father won't speak it, won't even acknowledge it if he hears it. (1.44)

Wow, that's dysfunctional. No, that's more than dysfunctional; it's full on messed up, and a good way to tear a family apart.

Quote #2

My mother was the one who taught me to steal moments like these, moments of freedom, though she didn't know it. (1.61)

Tobias/Four seems to have fond memories of his mother. What happens to these memories when he finds out she's still alive? All those warm fuzzies go right out the window.

Quote #3

I see him and his family sometimes, a perfect Abnegation unit, Natalie and Andrew, and the son and daughter (1.84)

Tobias goes on to describe how "perfect" the Prior family is, and he almost sounds envious since his own family is on the opposite end of that spectrum.