Choice Quotes in Four

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What faction did I want? Any of them. Any of them but Abnegation. (1.11-1.12)

Why is Tobias so afraid of being labeled Abnegation early on, even though he will later have a choice in which faction to be?

Quote #2

"You're the one who has to live with your choice," [Tori] says. "Everyone else will get over it, move on, no matter what you decide. But you never will." (1.15)

Why is Tori trying to manipulate Tobias's choice? And is she right in her assessment? Does Tobias's choice only affect himself?

Quote #3

If you choose Abnegation, you will never get away from him. (1.122)

Here we see the primary motivation behind Tobias's choice of a different faction—he needs to get away from his abusive father.