The French Connection Scene 5 Summary

  • A Supreme's-esque girl-group The Three Degrees perform "Everybody Gets to Go to the Moon" the Chez as Popeye and Cloudy enter the bar.
  • Popeye scopes out female prospects and makes his rounds as Cloudy lights a cigarette. Popeye notices a table of high rollers, and then joins Cloudy at the bar.
  • Popeye continues to watch the high rollers, and the camera moves closer and closer to his intently thinking face.
  • He points out the suspect table and a few other characters, as a reticent Cloudy just wants to drink. Popeye is pretty sure there's a drug connection there.
  • Both cops continue to watch the table. There's a guy at the table who's spreading cash around to everyone from the bus boy to the cocktail waitress.
  • Popeye suggests they tail him.