The French Connection Scene 9 Summary

  • Back at the bar from the first scene, Popeye and Cloudy yell at all of the patrons to get up, put their hands on their heads, and line up against the wall. (It's important to point out that all of the patrons here are black.)
  • As Popeye continues to yell at them, bottles of illegal drugs fall from pockets (so the men aren't found with them when frisked). The cops check the bar, and Popeye ruins all the drugs he finds by mixing them with drinks in a cocktail shaker.
  • "Hey Haircut!" Popeye hollers, and collars a man with an Afro, pushing him into a bathroom. Once they close the door, it's clear that "Haircut" is an undercover cop. Popeye asks if he's heard about Sal, or Angie, or anyone else. He hasn't, but he does say there's word of a big shipment of dope coming in from France, that "everybody's gonna get well." To keep up appearances, Popeye gives him a wallop and pushes him back out into the bar.
  • The cops stride out of the bar, pushing a few patrons out as they go.