From the Earth to the Moon Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"For my part," said J.T. Maston, "I vote for a cannon half a mile long at least." (8.11)

Maston is nothing if not excessive. But how different is this than people who can't wait for new smartphones to get bigger and better, or the dudes who brag to all of their friends about buying the most expensive TV on the market?

Quote #5

During the American War some cannons are said to have cost 1,000 dollars a shot. President Barbicane's gun […] would probably cost 5,000 times as much. (12.31)

This cannon might be the most ambitious piece of technology ever created—it's certainly the most expensive one—but like all new technology, it will only become more affordable once it's been around for a while. And that is why you (and everyone you know) should go out and buy an N64.

Quote #6

All were constructed on the same model, and their square, high chimneys presented a most singular spectacle. (15.2)

This uniformity is something that would've been impossible one hundred years before the writing of this book. Although they're never explicitly referenced, the innovations of the industrial age make the Gun Club's project possible.