From the Earth to the Moon Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The projectile is the carriage of the future, and in point of fact the planets are but projectiles - mere cannonballs thrown from the hand of the Creator (19.7)

Before there were ships, people couldn't cross oceans. Before trains, they couldn't cross countries. How far will humans be able to explore once this new technology has reached their hands? What's more, how much will this new form of transportation transform the human experience?

Quote #8

"Yes, pretty well," replied Michel Ardan […] "only I am sorry that the shape is not more slender and the cone more graceful. It ought to have been finished off with some ornaments in metal-work." (22.8)

Ardan is less "modern" than his American peers. While the men of the Gun Club are forward-thinking to a fault, Ardan is dedicated to preserving the artistic sensibilities of the past. In a way, this is portrayed as a contrast between the French and American ways of life.

Quote #9

The detonation which instantly followed was […] superhuman resembling nothing ever heard before. (26.28)

There's never been anything like this cannon before. The "superhuman" sound (and all of the other effects caused by the launch) shows us that the world won't ever be the same again.