Gilead Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

This is an interesting planet. It deserves all the attention you can give it. (1.2.45)

Once again, Ames acknowledges the complexity of life. There's no cure-all kind of faith that will make everything okay; everyone is different. Acknowledging how complicated the world is allows Ames to stay humble, and it's that humility and openness, we think, that makes him such an effective preacher.

Quote #5

I am glad I didn't understand, because I have rarely felt joy like that, and assurance. (1.3.13)

There's a feeling of suspense, wonder, and excitement that comes when you don't have all the cold facts of the matter. An explained mystery loses its luster. The best spiritual stories never explain everything.

Quote #6

You feel your obligation to a child when you have seen it and held it. Any human face is a claim on you, because you can't help but understand the singularity of it, the courage and loneliness of it. But this is truest of the face of an infant. (1.5.24)

For all their singular, unique details, Faces are memorable and recognizable: not only do they have singular, unique details, but they're also the part of the body that reveals most about a person.