Gilead Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

…God might actually enjoy us. I believe we think about that far too little. (1.10.2)

How does Ames's conception of God influence his overall spirituality? How are spirituality and religion related for him?

Quote #8

To value suffering in itself can be dangerous and strange, so I want to be very clear about this. It means simply that God takes the side of sufferers against those who afflict them. (1.12.14)

Ames worries that people might think that life is all about suffering, since God is on the side of sufferers. According to Ames, suffering is part of life, but it's not the only sign of God's grace. It's okay to be happy, too—that's also a sign of God's grace.

Quote #9

…I believe also that the rewards of obedience are great, because at the root of real honor is always the sense of the sacredness of the person who is its object. (1.12.18)

The sacredness of the human being is a big theme for Ames. He returns to it again and again in different contexts. In fact, you could say his entire religious worldview is based on this theme.