Family Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Salander] wanted to spend the money on something that could make her mother happy. She walked to the post office […] and sent an anonymous donation to one of Stockholm's crisis centers for women. (7.73)

This is our first major clue that Agneta's strokes are related to domestic violence. It also suggests that Agneta had some interest in preventing violence against other women. This would seem natural, but some of the other quotes below make her seem barely aware that she's in a terrible relationship with Zala.

Quote #5

And why had [Palmgren] not contested her declaration of incompetence while he still had the power? He knew why – he had wanted, selfishly, to keep his contact with her alive. He loved this damn difficult child like the daughter he never had, and he wanted to have an excuse to maintain the relationship. (8.129)

Truly, Palmgren is the closest thing to a loving parent Salander has ever had, and she knows it. Many parents do things (which could be construed as selfish) to try to keep their children safe and close. But that still doesn't make it right. In his defense, he does decide to get Salander out of guardianship, but the stroke interferes.

Quote #6

[Mia] wondered whether it was the right moment to interrupt his conversation. Her period was three weeks late. She had not get taken the pregnancy test. Perhaps it was time. (10.50)

This is the only hint we get that Mia could be pregnant. If it's in her autopsy report, we don't hear about it. But knowing that she might have been makes her death seem all the more tragic.