Family Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Palmgren] "Lisbeth and her twin sister Camilla." (28.99)

[Blomkvist] "Good God – there are two of her?" (28.100)

"They're very different. But that's another story." (28.101)

Likely, Larsson was saving Camilla's story for later books, because we don't get it the other novels in the trilogy either. That's one of the most frustrating things about this saga, if you ask us. We really want to know Camilla's story.

Quote #8

"They never did marry, but in 1979 she changed her name from Sjölander to Salander. That was, I suppose, her way of showing the belonged together." (28.101)

This suggests that Agneta was in love with Zala. Agneta and Zala began their relationship in 1977. Salander and Camilla were born in 1980, just after the name change. We wonder a) if he was beating her before she was pregnant; and b) what stopped them from having more children during the next twelve years.

Quote #9

Palmgren to Blomkvist: "And then her mother told her than Zalachenko had forgiven her everything." (28.131)

After Salander stabs Zala while defending Agneta, Agneta still thinks Salander is the one who needs to be forgiven. This suggests that Agneta a) doesn't blame Zala for hurting her; and b) doesn't seem to think it might be a good idea to get her daughter out of the house; or c) is so terrified of Zala she thinks that it's safest for all of them not to make waves.