The Great Brain Admiration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Every year when Papa renewed his subscription to the New York World, they sent him The World Almanac. While Sweyn and I read books like Black Beauty and Huckleberry Finn, Tom read The World Almanac and the set of encyclopedias in our bookcase. Tom said his great brain had to know everything. (1.32)

Hey, some people are fiction people, and some people are non-fiction people. Here at Shmoop, we love and admire all readers the same—to be honest, we'd even go so far as to say we admire books.

Quote #2

Aunt Bertha shook her head. "I tell you, Tena, that boy could talk his way around anything."

"He gets it from his father," Mamma said as if she was proud of Tom instead of angry with him for marching ten kids across her clean kitchen floor. (1.51-52)

Tom can't be an easy kid to parent, so Mamma has to take the good with the infuriating, and the good is that Tom is going to be okay in life because he has the gift of gab.

Quote #3

It was worth the belt just to have him talk to me and say good-night to me. Before going to sleep that night, I included Tom in my prayers and thanked God for giving me such a big-hearted and wonderful brother. (2.128)

Tom knows a sucker when he sees one—and his little brother, J.D., is most definitely one of them.