The Great Brain Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Please let me go," I begged, more afraid than I'd ever been in my life.

"Stop blubbering," Sweyn ordered me, "or I'll tell Papa you acted like a coward and disgraced the name of Fitzgerald before all these kids." (3.35-36)

You'd think J.D. was being held captive by bandits rather than learning to swim, right? To be fair, we doubt Tom and Sweyn are using a YMCA-approved swim training curriculum.

Quote #2

"Are you afraid?" Papa asked.

"Heck, no," Tom said as if becoming impatient with Papa. (3.159-160)

Afraid of the dark, scary cave? Nope. Afraid of losing his investment in the Jensen brothers and their dog? You betcha.

Quote #3

I wasn't the least bit scared. Maybe it was my confidence in my brother's great brain. Maybe it was my confidence in my dog. I felt no fear at all as I watched Uncle Mark enter the passageway to the cave. (3.164)

Here's a thought for you, J.D.: Maybe you don't feel afraid because you're just waiting outside the cave, taking no personal risk at all. Ever think about it that way?