The Great Brain Dreams, Hopes, Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I thought ahead to the time when I would be graduating from the sixth grade in Adenville like Sweyn would in June of that year. I too would be sent to school in Salt Lake City. The thought scared me and made my mouth dry. (1.49)

Going away to boarding school is currently not one of J.D.'s dreams. Then again, he's young yet. We bet by the time he's twelve, he'll be chomping at the bit to get out of the house.

Quote #2

The failure of the new inventions Papa ordered was always made all the more embarrassing because he bragged about them in advance. The water closet was no exception. Everybody in town knew about it long before it arrived. (1.73)

Hey, Papa needs his dreams, too. From the 21st century, we can say with confidence that he's picked a winner with this invention. It's hard to imagine so much skepticism about indoor toilets, isn't it? Thank goodness they caught on.

Quote #3

"But Mamma," I protested, "I never get a chance to catch a disease first. Sweyn will be all well just when Tom and I are getting sick. And when Tom catches a disease first, he is all well just when Sweyn and I are getting sick. It ain't fair, Mamma." (2.13)

When we were J.D.'s age, we were dreaming about a new Nintendo. We sure were lucky to come around after childhood vaccinations were a thing, or we would've been dreaming about getting the mumps over with.