The Great Brain Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

How proud I was a half hour later as I marched ten kids into our kitchen and told them to line up to receive one of Mamma's delicious oatmeal cookies. Mamma's attitude puzzled me. She didn't look pleased and proud as she had with Tom. I caught her giving me a funny look as she held the cookie jar and each kid helped himself to a cookie. (1.63)

This is what happens when you repeat an older sibling's con: You can fool Mom once, but you usually can't fool her twice. It's part of why being the youngest stinks.

Quote #2

It was too much for me. I held back tears of humiliation until I'd run upstairs to the room I shared with Tom. I flung myself on the bed and began to cry. I had always been proud of Papa in spite of him buying crazy inventions that didn't work. But this time he'd gone too far. He had done what Aunt Bertha said he would do. He had made us Fitzgeralds the laughing stock of Adenville. (1.108)

J.D.'s pride is a fickle beast. It just can't stand up to the embarrassment of putting a toilet in the house. In his defense, he is only eight years old, a time when peer approval is pretty desirable.

Quote #3

I couldn't help feeling proud of myself as I made my way home the same way I'd come. This was one time when I would surely get a disease first. (2.57)

Yep, nothing gets past old J.D. He is going to have mumps before those sucker brothers of his and he is going to enjoy it.