The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

ANNE: I love you, Father. I don't love anyone but you. (1.4)

Anne's attachment to her father is super-clear. He's there when she needs him the most.

Quote #5

MR. FRANK: It's fine to hear you tell me that you love me. But I'd be much happier if you said you loved your mother as well… She needs your help so much… your love… (1.4)

Mr. Frank tells Anne to open her heart to her mother as well. Mrs. Frank is totally bummed her daughter isn't into being with her, especially during such a trying time.

Quote #6

Then suddenly he grabs her arm and turning her around, holds her awkwardly in his arms, kissing her on the cheek. (2.2)

Atta boy Peter! It's cute how Peter shows Anne that he cares, but that peck on the cheek might show us that he's not really as love drunk as he'd like to think.