The Dursleys

Character Analysis

Family Matters

Mercifully, we don't spend too much time with the Dursley clan in this film. If only Harry were so lucky. Neither Aunt Petunia (Fiona Shaw) nor Dudley (Harry Melling) get any lines of note. In fact, Dudders doesn't get to speak at all. (Not that we're complaining.)

The Dursley dinner is dominated by large Aunt Marge (Pam Ferris) who slanders both of Harry's parents in about three minutes. If we were in Harry's shoes…well, we're not magical. So we'd slip some laxatives into her dinner. But we don't blame Harry for lashing out at her.

Her mind is wiped after being inflated to four times her size, so she'll be back to her own vile self in no time. Isn't there a spell to make her permanently mute?