Herzog Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Marco was entering an age of silence and restraint with his father. (2.159)

And here comes adolescence. Yup, now it's time for Herzog's son Marco to become a teenager and to speak less and less to his father. Growing up means coming into contact with all kinds of new ways of looking at the world, and this can often lead a person to spend more and more time with their own thoughts. It looks like Herzog himself never outgrew this phase, though.

Quote #5

Phoebe had only one business in life, on aim, to keep her husband and protect her child. (2.204)

Phoebe Gersbach values the preservation of her family way more than the preservation of her self-esteem. She's willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family together, and that means looking the other way on her husband's cheating with her friend Madeleine.

Quote #6

Moses loved his relatives quite openly and even helplessly. His brother Willie, his sister Helen, even the cousins. (3.42)

Moses thinks that his love for his family is childish for someone his age. As you get older, it's common for you to see less of your family and to grow apart. But Moses still loves his family (even his cousins) with the kind of desperate love a little boy feels for his mother.