Herzog Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I told you last week but you must've been thinking of other things. If you get sick, have an accident, lose an eye, even if you go nuts, Junie will be protected." (3.107)

Herzog knows that even with everything that's happened to him, he needs to be rational and to do what's best for his daughter June. And that means taking out a life insurance policy that will make sure she's taken care of if he dies.

Quote #8

The child would not reject his well-meant gift. There was love in that, thought Herzog. (4.6)

Herzog knows that even though his gifts aren't always great, his child will always accept them. That's because his child's love is still at the point where it never wavers, even when Herzog does something dumb or selfish.

Quote #9

"Spending your dead father's money. Dear Daddy! That's what you choke on. Well, he was your father. I don't ask you to share my horrible father. So don't try to force your old man down my throat." (4.140)

Madeleine is sick and tired of Herzog talking about his troubled upbringing whenever he makes excuses for being selfish. In her mind, it's time for him to take personal responsibility.