Herzog Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I was thankful for your friendship. I was in a state, though. One of those states in which one makes great, impossible demands. (3.84)

Herzog knows that in his last meeting with his friend Sandor Himmelstein, he was unreasonable in his demands for his divorce settlement. Being a friend, Sandor tried to tell him he was wrong, but Herzog wouldn't listen. It's only looking back that he can understand what a good friend Sandor was.

Quote #5

Herzog noted from a favorite source—Opposition is true friendship. (4.151)

Experience has shown Herzog that true friends will always tell you when they think you're wrong. That's what leads him to think that friendship is based more in opposition than in agreement.

Quote #6

"There's nothing so ordinary about marrying a woman like Madeleine or having a friend like Valentine Gersbach." (5.224)

Ramona wants to marry Herzog. But she also wants to be his friend. Like many people, she's quick to tell Herzog that he's wrong in thinking his split with Madeleine is normal. There's nothing normal or acceptable about your wife divorcing you, trying to put you in an asylum, and then getting together with your best friend.