Herzog Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He said he didn't know how […] he would survive this terrible trouble between the two people he loved most in the world. (5.256)

Val is a really good liar. When he hears about Herzog's troubles with Madeleine, he plays the part of the best friend and tells Herzog how much he loves both Herzog and Madeleine. The truth is that Val is the cause of Herzog's marriage problems, since he's been having an affair with Madeleine all along.

Quote #8

"I'm sure Valentine thought he acted in my best interests. He must have held Madeleine back." (5.273)

Despite the fact that Val has gotten together with Madeleine, Herzog is convinced that Val is still acting like a good friend. Herzog knows that Madeleine would be a lot harder on him if she were given free reign. But he knows that behind the scenes, Val is holding her back.

Quote #9

"Remember when you were running away to Poland last year and made your will? You named him executor and guardian." (6.36)

Herzog remembers just how close he used to be with Val when he's reminded that Val is the executor of his (Herzog's) estate. That means if Herzog died, Val would take over all his property and become Herzog's daughter's legal guardian. The funny thing is that, even after what Val's done, Herzog doesn't rush to his lawyer's office to change his will.