Herzog Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Condition! [Shapiro] had ulcers. Vanity kept him from saying it; the psychosomatic implications were unflattering. (3.29)

Shapiro doesn't want people to know that he has ulcers because having ulcers would mean that his stress is getting to him. The guy is too proud to admit that he has any weakness, whether it's physical or mental.

Quote #5

Wrestling with that old ruin in an effort to recover his legacy made his arms muscular. Extended the lease of narcissism a little while. (5.71)

Herzog knows he's getting older and that his physical prime is well behind him. But he still gets pleasure out of working on his old house and thinking he's still a strong man.

Quote #6

I am certain that there are human qualities still to be discovered. Such discovery is only hampered by definitions which hold mankind down at the level of pride (or masochism), asserting too much and then suffering from self-hatred as a consequence. (5.95)

Herzog knows that there are all kinds of new things for humanity to discover. The problem is that pride and stubbornness keep people from seeing the world in new ways, which ends up ruining their ability to innovate.