Herzog Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The pride of the peacock, the lust of the goat, and the wrath of the lion are the glory and wisdom of God." (5.209)

Sono Oguki is convinced that a fair amount of pride is a natural (and good) thing for men to have. Lots of people would argue that modesty is a good thing, but for Sono, this goes against masculine nature.

Quote #8

He thought what a fine achievement he had made of his life that—aging, vain, terribly narcissistic, suffering without proper dignity—he was taking comfort from someone who really didn't have too much of it to spare him. (5.322)

Herzog feels pathetic for having to turn to Ramona for comfort, even though Ramona seems like a perfect fit for him. When he's emotionally wounded, his instinct is to be alone because he wants to prove how independent he is. But the truth is that he feels way better when he just gives in and lets Ramona love him.

Quote #9

"And I apparently believe that if the child does not have a life resembling mine, educated according to the Herzog standards of "hearth," and all the rest of it, she will fail to become a human being. (7.105)

Herzog knows that his concern for June's upbringing is based completely on his sense of pride. Deep down, he thinks that June won't turn into a good person unless he's there to guide her, as though no other parent in the world ever raised a good child without the help of Moses E. Herzog.