Crisis of Confidence: Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

What you see too often in Washington and elsewhere around the country is a system of government that seems incapable of action…You see every extreme position defended to the last vote, almost to the last breath by one unyielding group or another. You often see a balanced and a fair approach that demands sacrifice, a little sacrifice from everyone, abandoned like an orphan without support and without friends. (37)

At least we can all agree on a common enemy, right? Interesting that the President, the leader of government, is quick to express his dissatisfaction for how the very organization that he runs is functioning.

Quote #5

Our people are losing that faith, not only in government itself but in the ability as citizens to serve as the ultimate rulers and shapers of our democracy. (37)

Notice Carter's wording. He's saying that Americans are losing faith, which implies that they had it (faith) at one point. What's caused this change, this sudden doubt?