The Dawes Act of 1887: What's Up With the Closing Lines?

    The Dawes Act of 1887: What's Up With the Closing Lines?

      Sec. 11. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the removal of the Southern Ute Indians from their present reservation in Southwestern Colorado to a new reservation by and with consent of a majority of the adult male members of said tribe.
      Approved, February 8, 1887.

      That doesn't really tie it all up in a neat little bow, does it? Obviously, the framers of the Dawes Act weren't super concerned with writing any type of conclusion.

      The last section feels like someone remembered something last minute and just popped it in, doesn't it? Like, "Whoops! We forgot the Utes, they have that special thing going on in Colorado. Better put something in there about them. Phew. Almost blew that one!" High-fives all around.