The Dawes Act of 1887: Resources


Greatest Hits has descriptions and photos of 100 milestone documents in U.S. History. The Dawes Act makes the list. We're so proud.

Dawes Act Results

This website simply and succinctly summarizes the effects the Dawes Act had on Native American lands. It's pretty awesome. And depressing.

From Our Archives

Will Rogers was probably the most famous humorist of the early 20th century. He was 25% Cherokee, and in 1900, he applied for an allotment under the Dawes Act. The National Archives has a copy of his application. Rogers was once reported to have said, "My ancestors didn't come over on the Mayflower, but they were there to meet the boat" (source).(Or some variant of that. He told the joke many times.)

Btw, if you've never been to the National Archives, put it on your must-see list. Seeing the original Declaration of Independence up close and personal will give you chills. If it doesn't, don't tell Shmoop about it or we'll have to report you to the Department of Homeland Security.

National Museum of the American Indian

On the Smithsonian Mall in Washington, D.C. and awesome. Just awesome.

Movie or Tv Productions

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

This movie's about the confrontations between Native Americans and U.S. government in the late 1800s. It has a very, very rose-tinted-glasses perspective of Henry Dawes. He's the good guy, played by Aidan Quinn.

Little Big Man

This movie is a must for those studying the conflicts between the Native Americans and the white settlers.

Articles and Interviews

What the Dawes Act Really Was

A fair assessment of the impact the Dawes Act had on Native American people, from a Native American website.


For You Visual Learners

YouTube has everything: Even accurate and surprisingly entertaining history videos about the Dawes Act and one of its leading proponents.

Thanks, History Channel

Short and sweet little vid about Grover Cleveland's first Presidential Term.

How it Affected One Tribe

This two-minute video is worth it for one infographic alone. And, the weird fact that it's seemingly narrated by Face from the A-Team.


Aidan Quinn as Henry Dawes

The actor discusses his role in Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee with NPR.

Wilma Mankiller on Dawes

An excerpt from the Smithsonian audio tours of the National Portrait Gallery


A Portrait of the Senator as a Young Man

As he got older, the beard got more awesome.

Indian Land for Sale

Advertising was just as insidious in the 1800's as it is now.

Lands Owned by Native Americans Over Time

You really need to see this map.

Political Cartoon from 1854

Always apt, and usually more sad than funny.