The Great Arsenal of Democracy: Shout-Outs

    The Great Arsenal of Democracy: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Historical and Political References

      Fireside Chat (1)
      Banking Crisis (7)
      Jamestown (11)
      Plymouth Rock (11)
      Tripartite Agreement (12)
      Nazi Party (13)
      Adolf Hitler (14)
      Monroe Doctrine (26)
      Clipper Ships (38)
      Nonintervention Pacts (51)
      Appeasement (92)
      Incendiary Bomb (95)
      Concentration Camp (104)

      Geographical References

      Ireland (63)
      Azores (65)
      Hawaii (66)
      Austria (96)
      Czechoslovakia (96)
      Poland (96)
      Norway (96)
      Belgium (96)
      Netherlands (96)
      Denmark (96)
      France (96)
      Sweden (133)
      Russia (133)

      References to This Text

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Baime, A.J. The Arsenal of Democracy: FDR, Detroit, and an Epic Quest to Arm America at War.
      Hyde, Charles K., Arsenal of Democracy: The American Automobile Industry in World War II.

      Historical and Political References

      Robinson, Charles K. Time Magazine. 13 October 1961.