Imperialism: Imperialism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #1

If it is right for the United States to hold the Philippine Islands permanently and imitate European empires in the government of colonies, the republican party ought to state its position and defend it, but it must expect the subject races to protest against such a policy and to resist to the extent of their ability. (23)

This was Bryan's "don't say I didn't warn you" statement. After all, when you nag and nag and nag someone to the nth degree, there is going to be a point when they just snap and go all Chuck Norris on you. Bryan was trying to say that the Filipinos will snap and fight back too.

Quote #2

If we have an imperial policy we must have a great standing army as its natural and necessary complement. The spirit which will justify the forcible annexation of the Philippine islands will justify the seizure of other islands and the domination of other people, and with wars of conquest we can expect a certain if not rapid, growth of our military establishment. (38)

If you're anything like us, you always plan on eating only a few handfuls of potato chips. Because, you know, you're saving room for dinner. But that's not where it ends, is it? You always just want one more chip.

That's the argument here. Sort of. Bryan was saying that when it comes to empire, no one stops at one country.

Quote #3

The acquisition of the Louisiana territory, Florida, Texas and other tracts which have been secured from time to time enlarged the republic and the constitution followed the flag into the new territory. It is now proposed to seize upon distant territory already more densely populated than our own country and to force upon the people a government for which there is no warrant in our constitution or our laws. (34)

The phrase "time to time" is a total copout. At this point in his speech, Bryan very conveniently forgot the fact that the entire United States came about under expansionist policies. And those policies really weren't all that different from what the pro-imperialists wanted to do with the Philippines. Not cool, Bryan. Not cool.