Imperialism Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Imperialism? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was the point of Bryan's comparison of the Republican Party to the British?

To show how foreign the Democratic and Republican Parties were to one another. Republicans even have funny accents to the ears of a Democrat.
To associate the party with out of date despotic politics. Because kings and queens were so 17th-century.
To reveal the new political connections between the two. He could smell a conspiracy a-brewing.
To emphasize how far the British monarchy had come since the days of the American Revolution. No need for another Boston Tea Party in the year 1900.
Q. Why did Bryan mention names like George Washington, Henry Clay, and Thomas Jefferson?

To show that he was total BFFs with numerous famous Americans.
To show how Americans have debated empire since the days of the Founding Fathers.
To provide legitimacy to his claim that the U.S. was founded as a Republic and not an empire.
To highlight the biggest names in American anti-imperialism.
Q. Which of these is not one of the "principled arguments" (77) that Bryan attributed to the pro-imperialist side of the debate?

As an empire, the U.S. can spread Christianity to those the Spanish Catholics did not reach.
As an empire, the U.S. can get some bling-bling and fatten its bank accounts.
As an empire, the U.S. will finally be able to rule the world. Mwuahahahah.
As an empire, the U.S. will get first pick on all the best beaches in the tropical Philippines.
Q. Which of these terms from the speech refers to the "Cross of Gold" debate that was the topic of Bryan's Democratic Convention speech during the 1896 election?

Yellow Brick Road
Q. Finish the quote (101): The command "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" has…

to be spread to the Philippines.
been misunderstood as an argument for empire, not against.
nothing to do with this speech whatsoever. Sorry, I lost my place. Back to the topic of empire…
no Gatling gun attachment