Imperialism: Questions

    Imperialism: Questions

      1. Was it a total copout for Bryan to have not considered Manifest Destiny an instance of American imperialism? What about the annexation of Hawaii?
      2. Are Bryan's arguments legitimate, or is he just engaging in another mudslinging political campaign? This was an election year after all, and we all know how election years can get…
      3. Would you consider the United States, right now, an empire? If it helps, you can imagine the president wearing a Darth Vader suit and the U.S. army as Storm Troopers.
      4. The U.S. has engaged in more than its fair share of international intervention since the Spanish-American War. Can Bryan's speech apply to any of these? How about the Cold War's proxy wars?
      5. Was it fair for Bryan to use religion in the way he did? Isn't it a little hard to lose an argument when God is on your side? Or should he have separated Church from State?
      6. Bryan mentions so many places it could make your head spin from looking at the map so many times. But why does he distinguish places like Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines? Why did the U.S. treat each scenario so differently?
      7. Does Bryan get a little too happy with his name-dropping? We get it; he took U.S. history in school too. But using what you know about events like the Constitutional Convention and the Gettysburg Address is he correct in his claims?