A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Neil Gaiman

    A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Neil Gaiman

      You might be thinking, "Uhh, this guy writes comic books. What could he have in common with Ursula Le Guin?" Our answer: so much.

      Gaiman doesn't just write comic books, and Dr. Who episodes, and excellent novels that make you question reality. He writes books that could be considered speculative fiction (or science fiction, if we may be so bold), which are also surprisingly feminist.

      In fact, if you Google search "Neil Gaiman feminism" there are a ton of articles and scholarly papers dedicated to the fact that the guy is an avowed feminist. It comes so naturally to him that he finds the inability of some male authors to write strong female characters positively mind-boggling. (Source)

      This is no surprise, considering the fact that Le Guin has been a huge inspiration to him—both personally and professionally. He's been asked to present awards to her on several occasions, and he's even admitted that he openly copied one of Le Guin's ideas (although she pooh-poohs that concept right quick). (Source)

      If you love Le Guin's style of standing up for strong women combined with a natural story-telling ability, you should seriously check out some of Gaiman's works.