A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Trivia

    A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Trivia

      Neil Gaiman claims to have stolen an idea directly from Ursula Le Guin. Can't say we blame him…the woman has some awesome ideas. (Source)

      Even though she was "raised as irreligious as a jackrabbit," Le Guin admires many aspects of Taoism and Buddhism. What we want to know is: exactly how irreligious is a jackrabbit? (Source)

      Le Guin's first attempt to publish one of her science-fiction stories came at the tender age of eleven. We were still playing pretend and getting into our mother's make-up. #feelingsofinadequacy (Source)

      Thirty years before Harry Potter took the world by storm, Le Guin published a series of books about a school for wizards, too…and the parallels are incredible. She's not bitter about it, though. (Source)

      Ursula and her husband only watch two shows on TV, and neither one of them are Grey's Anatomy. (Source)