

Sports are for real manly men, according to Big Russ. That explains why he's so adamant that his eldest son Little Russ follows in his footsteps and becomes a high school football star.

When Big Russ learns that Little Russ was "cut" from the football team, he flips out like a madman. How dare he refuse to make football the center of his life? The nerve. If you want to get an idea of how nasty Big Russ gets, take a look at this line:

BIG RUSS: If he wants to feel big, he should act big.

As we learn later, however, Little Russ wasn't just cut—he quit. This changes things completely, as he's making an active choice to stray from his father's footsteps, rather than just failing to do so. Big Russ has a hard time dealing with this at first, but it forces him to realize that Little Russ just might not be the same type of dude as him. And that's okay.

So maybe Little Russ won't be the next Cam Newton. He might be the next Isaac Newton. Or the next Isaac Hayes. Who knows? The best thing that Big Russ can do is to not place pressure on his son to fit inside a box filled with his own assumptions on what makes a man a man.