The Host Theme of Compassion and Forgiveness

There are a lot of stories about people exacting revenge on those who have done them wrong. (When will they learn not to mess with Liam Neesen?) You don't often see the flip side of the coin: people forgiving those who have done them wrong. Well, we kind of understand: it doesn't make nearly as good a story. But The Host tackles just this issue. The humans have to learn to co-exist with Wanda, a member of a species who as all but eradicated the human race. As Wanda observes, humans are much more likely to fight it out than to hug it out.

Questions About Compassion and Forgiveness

  1. Why does Sharon allow herself to be consumed with hate for Wanda and her species? Will she ever forgive her?
  2. Wanda thinks she has compassion for the human race from the very beginning. Does she really? When does she develop compassion for the humans?
  3. Do the humans ever feel compassion for Wanda's race, or do they only feel compassion for her individually?