Love Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Anger flashed through me, hot and wild. [...] In eight full lives, I'd never had an emotion touch me with such force. (2.76)

There's a fine line between love and anger. Melanie is fiercely protecting her love, Jared, from Wanderer's probing thoughts. As Wanderer explorers further, she encounters the flip side of love: anger, which is hot and wild—just like love.

Quote #2

[Jared] kisses me again, and this time I feel it. (4.110)

Love isn't just in the mind and heart, there's a physiological aspect to it as well. Melanie's body responds so strongly to Jared's affection that it's impossible to tell where Wanda's feelings end and Melanie's physical reactions begin.

Quote #3

"How much is physical, how much in the mind? How much accident and how much fate? [...] Love simply is where it is." (5.41)

The Comforter asks some big questions. How do these questions apply to the Host? Both accident and fate play a big role in both Melanie/Jared and Wanda/Ian's love lives. And the issue of a physical body is beyond complicated in both situations.