Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Because he was a soul, by nature he was all things good: compassionate, patient, honest, virtuous, and full of love. (Prologue.1)

The souls like to think they're all compassionate and benevolent, but how compassionate can they be when they stop around the galaxy, killing indiscriminately, and taking over body after body?

Quote #2

No one could compare what had been and what was now and not admit that Earth was better thanks to us. (5.96)

This is interesting logic on Wanderer's part. Is the planet better off? It's not as though the aliens are going on doing all sorts of deeds for the benefit of the planet. They're acting exactly like the humans do, except without the murder and violence.

Quote #3

Can you see how we thought we might be able to do better, though? (11.98)

Wanda might be compassionate, but she's hardly empathetic. As evidenced by this question early in the novel, she's trying to get Melanie to realize that it was a good idea for her entire race to be wiped out. Um, we think that's going to be a pretty hard sell.