Family Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I saw in your file that you have the potential for Motherhood. If you gave yourself to be a Mother, at least all that would not be entirely wasted." (7.88)

Here we see that alien ideals of motherhood line up pretty well with human ideals of motherhood. A creature of Wanda's species must literally give her life to be a mother. Melanie, who sees Jamie as a son just as much as a brother, would give her life to save him. Good thing she was implanted with Wanda (well, as good as alien implantations go), since Wanda would do the same thing.

Quote #2

It seems like Jamie and I have been with Jared every bit as long as we were alone. (8.130)

Even though they've only been together a few weeks at this point, Melanie and Jamie see Jared as family, just like that moment when you meet someone and feel like you've known them forever. Priceless.

Quote #3

Jamie. Our brother! (13.3)

This is one of the few instances where Wanda speaks in first-person plural voice. She considers Jamie her brother just as much as Melanie does, even though Wanda and Jamie aren't related at all by blood. They're not even the same species!