How I Live Now Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The rules of The Occupation which never struck me as being entirely clear but as far as I could tell meant you could go ahead and do whatever you liked as long as no one told you not to. (1.17.17)

All that we know at this point is that some mysterious other country (or countries) is inexplicably occupying England. Why? Unclear. And since no one seems to know the new rules that come with this development, chaos seems to rein.

Quote #2

It was more or less a known fact that the whole situation was temporary and by the time the British Forces could get organized again it would all be over and the Occupiers would be History, i.e., dead (1.17.21)

Sound familiar? Although Daisy's constantly pointing out how this is totally not at all like World War II, the Western belief that obviously we're going to win because we're superior to everyone else still rings true.

Quote #3

We also found out that The Enemy was one reason there was no gas for anyone. (1.17.24)

Blame the Enemy—it's such a common pastime during wartime. Anything that's wrong at home? Wrong with our lives? It's the Enemy's fault, obviously, since they're evil. Sure, they probably are responsible in some way for the fuel shortage, but everyone's sure about it without having any idea how.