How I Live Now Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I didn't spend much time thinking about the war because I was bored with everyone jabbering on for about the last five years about Would There Be One or Wouldn't There and I happen to know there wasn't anything we could do about it anyway so why even bring the subject up. (1.4.24)

Sound familiar? Daisy's initial attitude toward the war probably resembles that of most young people who live outside war zones. Daisy doesn't see the point in talking about it, just like plenty of people in the real world.

Quote #2

Of course everyone was talking about food shortages and shutting down transportation and calling up all the able-bodied men and basically all the Gloom and Doom stuff they could possibly think up […] asking anyone they could drag off the street Whether This Meant War and then we had to listen to all the solemn experts pretending to have the inside track when any one of them would have given his left arm to know the game plan himself. (1.6.15)

Daisy's thoughts toward the war still can probably be best summed up in an eye roll, and here she gives a scathing critique of newscasters, essentially saying they're filled with hot air.

Quote #3

No matter how much you put on a sad expression and talked about how awful it was that all those people were killed and what about democracy and the Future of Our Great Nation the fact that none of us kids said out loud was that WE DIDN'T REALLY CARE. Most of the people who got killed were either old like our parents so they'd had good lives already, or people who worked in banks and were pretty boring anyway, or other people we didn't know. (1.9.19)

Wow, way harsh. Daisy's brutally honest rant on the war touches on something that is probably a pretty universal feeling among people not directly affected by the wars going on in our world, but a sentiment that most would never admit aloud. And since this is a novel and not reality, we know that right about the time someone doesn't give a hoot about something because it doesn't affect them is when it totally begins to. Foreshadowing for the win.