How I Live Now Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from How I Live Now.

Family Quotes

I stayed there and thought about my old home which unfortunately led to thinking about Davina the Diabolical, who sucked my father's soul out through his you know what and then got herself knocked...

Warfare Quotes

I didn't spend much time thinking about the war because I was bored with everyone jabbering on for about the last five years about Would There Be One or Wouldn't There and I happen to know there wa...

Contrasting Regions: New York and England Quotes

I have to tell you about the house, which is practically indescribable if the only sort of houses you've lived in before are apartments in New York City. (1.3.6)

Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes

The rules of The Occupation which never struck me as being entirely clear but as far as I could tell meant you could go ahead and do whatever you liked as long as no one told you not to. (1.17.17)

Suffering Quotes

D the D would have liked to poison me slowly till I turned black and swelled up like a pig and died in agony but I guess that plan flopped when I refused to eat anything. (1.4.5)

The Home Quotes

He's exactly like some kind of mutt, you know the ones you see at the dog shelter […] and you know from that second that you're going to take him home? Well that's him. Only he took me home. (1.2.4)

Innocence Quotes

She showed me a tiny black and white goat with square eyes and little stubbly horns and a bell around its neck on a red collar and said his name was Ding and he was her goat but I could have him if...

Lust Quotes

I lay there and wondered if that's the feeling you're supposed to have when your cousin touches a totally innocent part of your anatomy that's even fully clothed. (1.6.27)