The Hurt Locker Scene 14 Summary

  • Back in the barracks, Will, Sanborn, and Eldridge are listening to loud music and wrestling. Oh, and drinking. Apparently a lot—they seem pretty drunk.
  • Sanborn and Eldridge are teasing Will and asking lots of personal questions. We learn that Will has a wife. Well, kind of. He says they are divorced, but his wife still lives in the house and insists that they are together. Um, okay—that's a thing? Sounds like something you could get arrested for.
  • Will then turns the tables on the guys and asks them questions.
  • The boys discover bomb parts—"signatures," as Will calls them—under Will's bed. Needless to say, they think it's weird that he keeps that kind of stuff.
  • Then, the guys get back to punching each other, trying to see who can punch harder.
  • Will ends up taking it too far and straddles Sanborn. Sanborn pulls a knife on him.
  • Well, that escalated quickly.
  • However, the guys manage to defuse the situation, and Will hauls Sanborn off to bed. Sanborn asks Will if he has what it takes to wear the suit. Will says, "Hell no." You know, with good humor. But we're not sure he doesn't mean it.
  • Back in his bed, Will puts on the helmet from the suit, apparently to sleep. Yikes. Is that a drunken idea, or does he do this every night?