The Hurt Locker Scene 8 Summary

  • There are 37 days left in the company's rotation, and the EOD team's Humvee is moving into what we assume is yet another dangerous situation. Yes, this is a war movie, so you are totally entitled to say "duh" here.
  • The soldiers are talking to a rep from the local military forces who thinks there's something suspicious in the trunk of a nearby car.
  • Will suggests that the guy go open the trunk, and he acts appalled.
  • Will then reveals that he's totally kidding.
  • Will gets into the suit and heads over to investigate. As Will heads toward the car, someone fires a gun, setting the car on fire.
  • Eldridge gets a fire extinguisher and hands it to Will.
  • Will puts out the blaze, while Sanborn heads up to a roof to do cover from up high.
  • Once the fire is out, Will clears some of the foam off the windshield and peers into the car.
  • Meanwhile, another soldier is trying to help someone who's been shot. Looks like it might be the sniper who set the car on fire?
  • Even though the soldier thinks it's a survivable wound, another soldier, Colonel Reed, insists that the guy isn't going to make it. It seems like Reed doesn't want the guy to make it.
  • We hear shots from off-screen, suggesting that the soldiers have taken care of the guy with the "survivable" wound.
  • Will has got the trunk open. When he sees how much ammo is in there, he just decides to take the whole suit off. What's in there would send him into oblivion, anyway, so he might as well be comfortable while he works.
  • Will starts working and reports back to the others. He goes through the cab of the car and rips up the backseat upholstery, searching for the part he needs to fully disarm.
  • Sanborn sees another man on an opposite roof. Sanborn waves in a pseudo-friendly way, but he's suspicious and wants to keep an eye on this dude. Will continues to look through the car.
  • Eldridge sees a guy pointing what appears to be a camera right at him. The guys want to keep an eye on this dude, too. Eldridge wants to know what to do.
  • Will finds more wire in the car. Sanborn wants him to hurry up. There are lots of people watching.
  • Will promises to figure it out.
  • Sanborn badgers Will to hurry up so they can get out of there, and Will throws off his radio so he won't have to listen to it.
  • As a result, Will doesn't hear when the evacuation of the area is complete, and he's still messing around with the car.
  • Will gets the windshield wipers to come on. Well, that's something?
  • Eldridge shouts to Will to ask if he'll put his headset back on. Will gives Eldridge the finger.
  • Meanwhile, Sanborn sees three guys watching the whole thing. The tension is rising.
  • Will continues working on the car. He's now opening the hood. He pulls the wire for the wipers. He seems to figure something out from the wires he sees there.
  • Sanborn suddenly sees the guys on the neighboring rooftop waving back at him...but it turns out, they're not waving at him. They are waving at the guy with the camera that Eldridge had spotted.
  • Sanborn tells Eldridge to get down now. Eldridge shouts to Will that they can leave...and by that, he means they should leave.
  • Will finds what he is looking for and fully disarms the bomb. He announces that they are done.
  • The guys head back to the Humvee, and Will is clearly pleased; he even says, "That was good." He lights a cigarette.
  • Sanborn doesn't share his good cheer, though. He smacks the cigarette out of Will's mouth and tells him not to turn his headset off again.
  • Will doesn't seem super fazed, though—he finds his cigarette and picks up where he left off.