hush Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mama in the kitchen, older now, too, but still glancing out the window on the nights when Daddy's late getting home. (1.31)

This is one of Toswiah/Evie's memories about Mama's anxiety about being married to a man in a dangerous profession. The whole family is waiting on something bad to happen, but what finally happens isn't what they expect.

Quote #2

The afternoon before the men came, we kissed my grandmother goodbye as she sat rocking slowly in her blue chair. I've never seen my grandmother cry, but that day, her chin quivered just the tiniest bit before she sniffed and said This isn't how I want you all to remember me. (2.7)

We were super sad Grandma didn't go with them, but also glad there was someone to keep Matt Cat. Grandma is made of some strong stuff, which she clearly passed down to her daughter and granddaughters.

Quote #3

But what I know now is this: Look at your grandmother's face. Remember the lines. Touch her cheekbones. Hold the memory of her in your fingers, in your eyes, in your mind. It might be all you get to keep. (2.9)

While most of us aren't going to be relocated by witness protection, the circle of life means that most of us lose our grandmothers at some point, so Toswiah/Evie's advice about valuing the people you love while you can rings true for us, too.