hush Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Everything about who we were is gone—our names, our pictures, our old clothes and old lives. All that we have is our souls. (1.9)

Toswiah/Evie takes the line "All that you have is your soul" from a Tracy Chapman song. How does she define her soul? What does she mean when she talks about it?

Quote #2

Left behind is that rocker and one Toswiah Green, standing with her arms folded, on a tree-lined street in Colorado. If one of my old classmates shows a group picture around, someone might ask Who's that? And the classmate will answer That was Toswiah. She just disappeared one day. Weird, huh? (2.10)

There's a definite fear of being forgotten going on here. Underneath all the issues moving and being assigned a new identity cause lies Toswiah's fear that maybe she wasn't all that important to begin with—that maybe no one will really care that she's gone.

Quote #3

Those are cool names, you say. Cameron and Toswiah. If you want, you can have them. They don't belong to us anymore. (2.15)

What do you think of the way Toswiah/Evie tosses these names at the reader, like they're something she doesn't want or need? What's behind that attitude?